Manage subscription emails

Subscriben integrates with WooCommerce; so you can manage all of Subscriben’s emails the same way as you manage any WooCommerce email.

View emails

All emails can be viewed from WooCommerce > Settings > Emails

Subscriben’s emails

Subscriben adds the following new emails to WooCommerce:

Subscription new order: Sent either when a new order is generated or when a renewal order is generated.

Subscription processing order: Sent when a renewal order is set to processing.

Subscription completed order: Sent when a renewal order is set to completed.

Subscription payment reminder: Sent at predefined intervals before the payment due date, suspension date and cancellation date

Subscription payment overdue: Sent when a subscription enters an extension period or when the status is changed to overdue due to non-payment.

Subscription paused: Sent when a subscription is paused either by a shop admin or the customer.

Subscription resumed: Sent when a subscription is resumed either by a shop admin or the customer.

Subscription suspended: Sent when a subscription is suspended due to non-payment

Subscription cancelled: Sent when a subscription is cancelled either automatically or manually.

Subscription expired: Sent when the subscription has expired due to reaching its Max Length setting.

Configure emails

To configure an email go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails 

Then click the Manage button next to the email you want to configure.

Posted in: Documentation